Aluminum Metal Stamping

Aluminum metal stamping is not a new technique. It has been used in metal fabrication for many centuries. In the past, no machines were available, so the workers had to hammer the material to make the shape. A small design used to take a lot of time and effort. However, with time, things have changed. 


Stamping press machines have made the process easier. The stamping process does not need many laborers. Instead, a single person can do the job. In this process, a die plays an integral role. There is much information to share, and it is coming your way. So read until the last dot.


Overview of Aluminum Metal Stamping


Metal stamping is a shaping process that uses dies and stamping presses. A die of a specific shape is made. A flat aluminum piece goes in the stamping machine. The press applies force on the aluminum against the die. As a result, aluminum cuts or reshapes according to the die’s shape.


The aluminum material is malleable and bends easily when the stamping press applies force. The design of the dies plays a critical role. Let’s discuss how the process works. First, you create the die with a specific design. The designers do this by using software such as CAM and CAD. The shape of the aluminum sheet will depend on the design of the die. 


It goes in the machines. You choose the aluminum sheet and place it in the stamping press machine. This press machine applies force on this material against the die. As a result, the material bends and adopts the shape of the die.  If a star has a star design, the sheet will become star-shaped. 


Aluminum metal stamping is very common. Many industries use this process to produce aluminum parts with specific designs. This method is used to make many automobiles and aircraft parts. What makes this process popular is its cost-effectiveness. Moreover, this method can produce aluminum parts with complex shapes.


Why is Aluminum Used in Stamping?


There are many reasons why aluminum is suitable for stamping. For example, it is malleable. When it undergoes pressure, it bends easily. If it had been hard, it would have cracked. This feature makes it an ideal option for stamping. So, aluminum parts made through stamping are solid.


The top reason behind the stamping friendliness is the malleability feature. However, we cannot ignore aluminum’s corrosion resistance. Parts made with this material won’t get rusty, even under harsh conditions. So, manufacturers use these materials to make complex shapes with stamping. You can also use different aluminum alloys in the stamping process.


Keep in mind that aluminum is of high strength. Although it is malleable, it is not easy to break in normal conditions. So, during stamping, it easily bears the force and does not become brittle.  Moreover, aluminum parts have a low density.  All these factors make it suitable for the stamping process.


Steps to Aluminum Metal Stamping


Indeed, metal stamping is a simple process. Someone with mild experience can quickly stamp aluminum. However, understanding the basics is paramount. Let’s dive deeper and discuss the processes involved in stamping.


1- Die Formation


First, the manufacturer creates a design for the die or prototype. For example, if you need an aluminum star, you must make a die with a star shape. Keep in mind software such as CAM and CAD help make designs. This process takes little time. However, the final output precision depends on this design. If the design has an issue, the final output will be faulty, and vice versa.


2- Aluminum Sheet Preparation


As I said earlier, the stamping process uses aluminum material. You should arrange a blank sheet or coil. This material will go into the stamping press machines. If pure aluminum is unavailable, you can also use aluminum alloy of aluminum. There is no significant difference between aluminum and its alloys. Both offer equally good performance under stamping.


3- Put Sheet on Die in the Machine


Both the die and the aluminum sheet go into the stamping press machine. The placement of the sheet on the die must be very accurate. A slight mistake would result in faulty output. You should make sure that the aluminum material lies above the die. Don’t forget to Position the material exactly where you want the design to make an impact.


4- Start the Process


This is the final step, as the operator should switch on the Machine. The stamping press will apply force on the workpiece present on the die. This pressure or force will be against the die. 


As a result, the die presses the material. This powerful pressing stamps the design onto the aluminum sheet


The die shape determines whether the material will be cut, designed, or shaped. Suppose you need to shape a star. The other part of the sheet will be discarded, but the part of the aluminum sheet with star-shaped cuts will be saved. This is how you can easily make shapes of any size and design.


Types of Aluminum Metal Stamping


There are different types of metal stamping, each with unique features. Which type you should use depends on your needs. Let’s discuss those types and their purposes.


1- Blanking Aluminum


This is a basic type of aluminum metal stamping. Its process is similar to what I mentioned above. The die of a specific design goes into the machines. You place the aluminum sheet on the die and press it with stamping machines. This process creates a specific design cutout on the material.


The cut portion will be discarded as trash or waste. Let me give you an example. Suppose you need a hockey design on the material. The die must have a hockey shape. The press machine will apply force on the aluminum metal sheet. The hockey shape cutout will be made of material, and the remaining metal portion will be discarded.


2- Piercing Aluminum


Many people confuse blanking and piercing stamping. However, they are different. In piercing stamping, the aluminum sheet gets holes. You punch a hole into the material. Instead of discarding it, you use it as part of a larger product.


Let me give you an example. Have you seen an automobile radiator? You might have noticed that it has many small circular holes. The stamping process makes those holes. Remember that the hole remains part of the main product. The die used in this method is very sharp.


Quick Highlight: In the blanking technique, you get a cutout. The remaining portion of the material goes into the trash. On the piercing, you get the whole part with holes in it. The small portion that is removed to make a hole is only waste.


3- Coining Aluminum


This method is more like forcing signs on the aluminum sheet. Generally, manufacturers use this stamping to put logos or text on the sheet. First, the die is made with a logo or text on it. The material or sheet is placed on this die. 


The stamping press machine applies a powerful force, carving the design or logo on the material. If you touch the sheet, you’ll feel like those texts or logos are engraved. Remember that this method doesn’t cut or shape the material; it only presses it to create signs or logos.


Quick Tip: Once the design is coined onto the sheet, it undergoes gentle heating and cooling. This process is called age hardening. After this process, the design becomes permanent and invulnerable to harsh conditions.


4- Aluminum Deep Drawing


Aluminum deep drawing is a relatively more common technique. This method can change the metal sheet into a hollow structure. Suppose you have an aluminum metal rod. You can convert it into a U or any other hollow shape. The shape depends on the design of the die.


The operator put the metal sheet on the die. The punch applies force on this metal sheet. Due to force, the material will press deep into the cavity of the die. Due to this, it will adopt the shape of that cavity. You can make any kind of hollow structure by using different die shapes.


5- Embossing Aluminum


The embossing of aluminum metal is more for decorative purposes. In this method, you press the sheet against a die containing a slightly raised pattern or design. The raised pattern presses into the sheet, embossing the design onto its surface. Keep in mind that this type of stamping is not very common.


Applications of Aluminum Stamping


As I mentioned at the start, aluminum stamping is very famous. Its usability is standard across many industries. However, the aerospace and automobile sectors highly depend on the stamping process. These industries require parts with complex designs, and the stamping process helps create such parts. 


Here is the list of industries that use aluminum metal stamping:


AutomotivePanels, brackets, structural components, heat shields
AerospaceAircraft panels, engine parts such as compressor blades, etc
Consumer ElectronicsCasings, internal parts for electronics, battery covers
ConstructionWindow frames, door frames, roofing materials
MedicalHousings for medical devices, trays, surgical instruments


These stamping techniques have many applications, and I cannot mention all of them. It won’t be wrong to say that every manufacturer in an industry depends on these techniques. Not to forget, our kitchen appliances are also the result of the stamping process.


Can Aluminum Alloy be Used in Stamping?


Yes, it is possible to use aluminum alloys instead of pure aluminum. Remember that both aluminum and its alloys share similar properties. For example, they are all lightweight and malleable. As a result, they readily undergo the stamping process. Manufacturers use alloys to make different parts with complex shapes.


Interestingly, many people prefer using alloys over pure aluminum. There are different types of aluminum alloys. Almost all of them are very strong. So, manufacturers prefer them due to their durability and tensile strength. Using them to make intricate parts makes them durable. Here is the list of top aluminum alloys:


  • 1100 aluminum
  • 5052  aluminum
  • 6061 aluminum
  • 6063 aluminum
  • 7075 aluminum


All aluminum alloys are suitable for stamping. Some people seem to be confused between aluminum 6061 and 6063 alloys. They think these alloys are not suitable for stamping, which is wrong. Both of these alloys support stamping due to their strength and malleability. Parts made with these alloys are common in the aerospace industry.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is aluminum stamping? 


Aluminum stamping is an essential part of metalworking. It helps to reshape a material or make intricate parts easily. Stamping is mainly carried out using a press machine and dies. This technique has become very popular among many industries.


Can aluminum be stamped?


Yes, aluminum can be stamped. It is lightweight and malleable and does not break or crack when it undergoes pressure. Due to this, manufacturers use aluminum sheets for the stamping process.


Is metal stamping difficult? 


No, the metal stamping process is relatively straightforward. If you have basic know-how of a stamping machine, you’ll be able to do it yourself. However, I suggest you have some practice before starting.


Which tool is used for stamping aluminum metal?


Dies and stamping press machines are the two main pieces of equipment. If you have these two, you can sample the metal. If you don’t have a machine, you’ll have to use a hammer to apply force on the material.




Metal stamping has been serving human beings for many centuries. However, over time, the process has evolved. The machines are used now, which make stamping easy and fast. In the past, it used to take a long time to complete a simple task. However, with stamping machines, the process is no longer than a few minutes. This guide covers everything related to aluminum metal stamping.