Understanding 8620 Alloy Steel

Definition and Composition

8620 alloy steel is a low-carbon, nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy known for its exceptional strength, toughness, and case hardening capabilities. This alloy steel is composed of key elements, including carbon, manganese, silicon, nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. The specific composition is typically as follows: carbon (C) content of 0.18-0.23%, manganese (Mn) content of 0.70-0.90%, silicon (Si) content of 0.20-0.35%, nickel (Ni) content of 0.40-0.70%, chromium (Cr) content of 0.40-0.60%, and molybdenum (Mo) content of 0.15-0.25%. These elements play a crucial role in determining the unique properties of 8620 alloy steel.

Physical and Mechanical Properties

8620 alloy steel exhibits a range of physical and mechanical properties that make it highly desirable for various applications.

In terms of physical properties, 8620 alloy steel has a density of 7.85 g/cm³, providing a solid and sturdy foundation for applications requiring strength and durability. It has a melting point that typically ranges from 1432-1516°C (2610-2750°F), enabling it to withstand high-temperature environments. Additionally, its thermal conductivity of 46.6 W/m·K (323 BTU·in/hr·ft²·°F) allows for efficient heat transfer in thermal applications.

In terms of mechanical properties, 8620 alloy steel offers impressive strength, hardness, and toughness. It possesses a tensile strength of 530-685 MPa (77,000-99,400 psi), which enables it to withstand substantial loads and stresses. The hardness of 8620 alloy steel typically falls within the range of 170-217 Brinell (HB), ensuring resistance to wear and deformation. Moreover, this alloy steel demonstrates excellent toughness, with an elongation of 25-30%, making it capable of withstanding heavy impacts and shocks without fracturing.

The combination of these physical and mechanical properties makes 8620 alloy steel highly suitable for a wide range of applications, where strength, toughness, and case hardening ability are crucial. As professional alloy steel suppliers, HXSCO provide high quality alloy.

Key Features And Advantages Of 8620 Alloy Steel

Case Hardening Ability

8620 alloy steel possesses exceptional case hardening capabilities, making it a preferred choice for applications requiring enhanced wear resistance and surface hardness.

The case hardening process involves selectively hardening the outer layer of the steel while maintaining a relatively softer core. This is achieved through a combination of heat treatment and diffusion of carbon and other alloying elements into the surface of the steel. 8620 alloy steel exhibits excellent response to case hardening, allowing for precise control over the hardness depth and hardness profile.

By undergoing case hardening, 8620 alloy steel attains remarkable wear resistance, enabling it to withstand abrasive forces and prolonged use in demanding environments. The hardened surface also provides enhanced resistance to surface deformation and scratches, ensuring longevity and durability of the material.

High Strength and Toughness

One of the notable characteristics of 8620 alloy steel is its inherent strength and toughness. This alloy steel demonstrates a balanced combination of these properties, making it suitable for applications that require both strength and the ability to absorb shock and impact.

With a high tensile strength ranging from 530 to 685 MPa (77,000 to 99,400 psi), 8620 alloy steel can withstand heavy loads and stresses without experiencing significant deformation or failure. This strength is crucial in applications where structural integrity is of utmost importance, such as gears, shafts, and other mechanical components.

Additionally, 8620 alloy steel exhibits exceptional toughness, which allows it to absorb energy and resist fracture under impact and shock-loading conditions. This property makes it well-suited for applications involving sudden and severe loads, where the material needs to withstand and distribute forces effectively.

The combination of high strength and toughness in 8620 alloy steel provides a reliable and robust solution for various industries. From automotive to machinery and even aerospace, this alloy steel can be found in critical components that require reliable performance under demanding conditions.

As dedicated alloy steel suppliers, we understand the importance of providing high-quality 8620 alloy steel that exhibits these key features and advantages. At HXSCO, we offer a wide range of 8620 alloy steel products, ensuring precise composition and adherence to industry standards. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us the preferred choice for alloy steel solutions. when you are choosing professional alloy steel suppliers, HXSCO can satisfy you requirements.

Applications Of 8620 Alloy Steel

Setor automotivo

The automotive industry relies on 8620 alloy steel for its exceptional properties, making it an ideal choice for various components.

One of the primary applications of 8620 steel in the automotive sector is in the manufacturing of gears. Gears made from 8620 alloy steel offer excellent strength, wear resistance, and fatigue resistance. They ensure smooth and efficient power transmission within the vehicle’s transmission system, contributing to improved performance, durability, and noise reduction.

In addition to gears, 8620 alloy steel is widely used in the production of shafts and camshafts. These components require high strength, toughness, and wear resistance to endure the demanding conditions of engine operation. 8620 steel fulfills these requirements, ensuring reliable performance, enhanced fuel efficiency, and extended service life.

By incorporating 8620 alloy steel into automotive applications, manufacturers can achieve significant advancements in vehicle performance, efficiency, and durability. The material’s outstanding properties contribute to smoother operations, reduced maintenance costs, and overall customer satisfaction.

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Machinery and Equipment

8620 alloy steel finds extensive use in machinery and equipment manufacturing, serving a wide range of industries.

Gearboxes, a crucial component in various machinery, heavily rely on the strength, toughness, and wear resistance of 8620 steel. The material ensures smooth power transmission, precise control, and long-lasting performance in gear systems of different sizes and configurations.

Crankshafts, vital in engines, benefit from the high fatigue strength and excellent machinability of 8620 alloy steel. The material’s ability to withstand cyclic loads and resist surface wear makes it an ideal choice for crankshafts, ensuring reliability, reduced vibration, and extended operational life.

Hydraulic components, such as pistons, cylinders, and valve bodies, require materials that can withstand high pressures and provide excellent dimensional stability. 8620 alloy steel’s superior strength and resistance to deformation make it suitable for these critical hydraulic system parts, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

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Aerospace and Defense

8620 alloy steel plays a significant role in the aerospace and defense sectors due to its strength, toughness, and case hardening capabilities.

In the aerospace industry, 8620 steel finds application in critical components such as aircraft landing gear. The material’s ability to withstand heavy loads, shock absorption, and surface hardness make it suitable for withstanding the demanding conditions encountered during takeoff, landing, and ground operations. Additionally, 8620 alloy steel is used in the production of missile parts, ensuring strength, durability, and reliability in defense systems.

By utilizing 8620 alloy steel in these aerospace and defense applications, manufacturers and engineers can enhance safety, performance, and overall mission success.

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As professional alloy steel suppliers, HXSCO understand the diverse applications of 8620 alloy steel and the importance of sourcing high-quality materials. As dedicated alloy steel suppliers, we offer a wide range of 8620 alloy steel products, ensuring precise composition, adherence to industry standards, and reliable performance. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart as a trusted partner in the supply of alloy steel solutions. when you are choosing professional alloy steel suppliers, HXSCO can satisfy you requirements.

8620 Alloy Steel Compared With Other Grades

8620 alloy steel stands out among various steel grades due to its outstanding advantages and unique combination of properties.

Superior Strength and Toughness

8620 alloy steel offers remarkable strength and toughness, making it highly desirable for applications that require robust and durable materials. With a tensile strength ranging from 530 to 685 MPa (77,000 to 99,400 psi), 8620 steel exhibits excellent resistance to deformation and fracture, even under heavy loads and harsh operating conditions. Its high toughness ensures it can withstand impact and shock-loading, providing enhanced reliability and safety in critical applications.

Versatility and Adaptability

Compared to other grades, 8620 alloy steel showcases exceptional versatility and adaptability. It can be readily machined and fabricated into various shapes, allowing for the production of complex components and intricate designs. This versatility makes it a preferred choice for applications in diverse industries, including automotive, machinery, aerospace, and defense. Its adaptability also extends to welding and joining processes, enabling easy integration into existing systems or assemblies.

Case Hardening Capability

One of the outstanding advantages of 8620 alloy steel is its superior case hardening ability. Through the case hardening process, the outer layer of the steel is hardened while maintaining a relatively softer core. This provides a hardened surface that offers exceptional wear resistance and surface hardness. Compared to other grades, 8620 alloy steel achieves a deep and uniform hardness profile, ensuring long-lasting performance in demanding applications. The case hardening capability of 8620 steel sets it apart as an excellent choice for applications that require enhanced wear resistance, such as gears, camshafts, and other components subjected to friction and abrasive forces.


8620 alloy steel offers an advantageous balance between performance and cost-effectiveness. While providing high strength, toughness, and case hardening capabilities, it remains relatively more affordable compared to certain higher-alloyed steels. This makes 8620 alloy steel an attractive option for manufacturers and end-users seeking cost-efficient solutions without compromising on quality or performance. Its availability and competitive pricing further contribute to its popularity as a versatile and economical alloy steel choice.

As experienced alloy steel suppliers, we understand the unique advantages that 8620 alloy steel brings to various industries. At HXSCO, we are dedicated to providing high-quality 8620 alloy steel products that meet industry standards and customer specifications. Our commitment to quality control, extensive product range, and exceptional customer service sets us apart as a trusted partner in the supply of alloy steel.


In conclusion, 8620 alloy steel stands as a testament to the remarkable capabilities of alloy steel. Its combination of strength, toughness, case hardening ability, and versatility makes it a preferred choice for numerous applications. Whether in the automotive industry, machinery and equipment manufacturing, or the aerospace and defense sectors, 8620 alloy steel delivers exceptional performance and reliability.

As alloy steel suppliers, we are committed to delivering high-quality 8620 alloy steel products that meet the specific requirements of our customers. At HXSCO, we prioritize quality control and customer satisfaction. Our extensive product range and expertise enable us to cater to diverse needs and provide solutions that align with industry standards.

If you are in search of reliable alloy steel suppliers, look no further than HXSCO. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional products and services to meet your alloy steel needs. Contact us today for further information, inquiries, or to place an order. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you on your journey with 8620 alloy steel, ensuring your success in your respective industry.

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